Taking the Plunge!


Motivate your audience to act by tapping into FOMO marketing

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a powerful sales motivator.  Whether it’s used in a headline of a direct mail piece or the subject line of an email, FOMO motivates shoppers to action. 

The power of FOMO impacts nearly everyone from young to old, rich to poor, sports enthusiast to musician. No matter who we are, we all have the fear of missing out on something. Indeed, according to TrustPulse, FOMO inspires 60% of people to make purchases, most of them within 24 hours.**

There are several types of FOMO: 
• Fear of missing out on a deal.
• Fear of missing out on an experience. 
• Fear of missing out on a community.
• Fear of missing out on a product. 
• Fear of missing out on an opportunity.

The key is discovering which type of FOMO will best motivate your audience. For example, a rock musician might be motivated to purchase a new electric guitar if you offer a limited time offer on special pricing. “Don’t miss out! 15% off all electric guitars TODAY ONLY!” But that musician might be motivated to buy two guitars if each came with a backstage pass to the Keith Richards 2022 tour instead. 

Once you determine what FOMO motivates your audience, start testing to see which wording is most effective. Is it “Hurry! Supplies are limited!”? “Only 100 spots available!”? “Offer good for 24 hours only!”? 

Create an offer you think is most effective, then take a portion of your list and change the wording or offer slightly and see whether it makes a difference. Each time you run a campaign, test different elements of your messaging one at a time to determine which offers and wording are most effective for your audience. 

FOMO is a powerful sales motivator, and it provides endless opportunities to test and refine what works best for you. But don’t wait. Ask yourself: “Every day that I wait to get started, how many customer dollars are being spent with someone else?”

**TrustPulse Marketing Blog (https://trustpulse.com/fomo-statistics




|  Last Updated: 9 February 2023